Bee Present Wellness

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Love One Another

It’s time to activate higher love!

We have been participating in a powerful shakeup in our lives, witnessing the media with tremendous atrocities in the midst of a pandemic. Our outer and inner worlds are in transition to embody huge changes. A humble open mind is imperative to become the ‘new you’. Listening is a skill that requires our ego to step aside. As we are becoming more and more global, and having the ability to be able to listen to one another is key to our personal, as well as spiritual evolution. We are now global citizens if we wish to or not. We are now able to excess the world literally in the palm of our hands.

The third agreement from the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is the “Don’t Make Assumptions.” This book has been revolutionary to thousands of people around the world. It has been the foundation of the Beehive Mystery School for many reasons. I have had a series of spiritual awakenings through the years utilizing in part this little book. We are not capable of walking on other people shoes; culturally, financially, geographically, professionally to name a few.

Listening to others and their needs, listening to their disappointments, listening to their pain and grief, even if one cannot identify or understand where they are coming from is as important as listening to people’s wins. As we learn to not impart our own judgement to the words that are coming to us, we may change the world as we know it, to a kinder, sustainable, exciting, a true limitlessly abundant new paradigm. We are the midwives into the Aquarian Age. There is no accident that you have decided to be here in the planet at this time in the grand shift of our earth mother.

When you listen do you stay fully present to each and every word? Or the little voice inside you takes over with solutions, and scenarios that may be completely out of reach, or misguided for the circumstances of that person, or situation at hand?

Listening with empathy is needed more then ever today. What is your relationship to the energy of ‘empathy’? What is empathy? From Wikipedia: Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. Sounds ease to do, and yet one can only get better at it.

“Don’t Make Assumptions. We have the tendency to make assumptions about everything. The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real. We make assumptions about what other are doing or thinking — we take it personally — then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison with our word.” ~ The Four Agreements

There is no easy answer. We are all in this together. Compassion with purpose is on! Are you in? Let’s stretch ourselves to an emotional intelligence status. We can do it and surprise our neighbors with such courage, strength and joy. Boldly going where human beings are meant to be going to…. Unity!

Blessings upon your Blessings,🐝✨🙏🏽
Jaque ~ Har Gopal Kaur