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Bolster Heaven: Svaroopa Yoga Series

Svaroopa Class.PNG

Wednesday November 8, 2017
6:30 - 8 PM
Lakshmi Studio 310 Third St. New Cumberland (Enter in the back)

Wednesdays November 8, 15, 22, 29, and December 6th 2017

This Svaroopa Yoga ® class will be both active and energizing as well as relaxing, rejuvenating and meditative, using awareness and gentle breath to guide you inwards. The focus of Svaroopa is release of spinal tension. This form of yoga is unlike any other! It is super amazing on the bodies of people of all ages. 

Svaroopa, pronounced swa-roo-pa is a Sanskrit word meaning your own true nature or being. Settle into your Self and the bliss of your own being.

This series of classes will focus on finding balance and release of spinal tension from tail to top. Your spine decompresses and releases, utilizing the support of props and alignment to support your spinal release process.

  Open to all levels, this class will allow you to learn how to use and create bolsters with super comfortable, thick and nesting inviting blankets, made specifically for Svaroopa Yoga classes.  Class size limited.

Investment: $60 for the series or $15 drop in per class. Please bring cash or check if dropping in. 

Meet Dr. Vidya
Meditation Master Dr. Vidya Anderson is the President of the American Meditation Society and has been teaching meditation for 36 years.  The American Meditation Society was founded in 1976 by Gururaj Ananda Yogi, in addition to sister organizations in Canada, England, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Israel, and South Africa. 

Earlier Event: November 7
Yoga Nidra with Animal Spirit Guides
Later Event: November 11
FREE Energy Work Share