Shine Bright Like a Crystal


As I have been working with quartz crystals from the very beginning of my spiritual awakening since 2002 my appreciation for what they do for myself, the collective, and for the planet has magnified.

There is a plentitude of minerals all over the globe. Brazil, where I am from, has the largest crystal bed in the world. Quartz Crystals are used in technology, and in medical devices to name a few.

When I started in the field of metaphysics I remember listening to folks also attending events about their crystal exchanges. As I was creating community conversing with these lightworkers was fascinating! As a people person, I delighted in the wisdom, and knowledge that poured all over me from many generous folks on their own way into the light. As they shared what this particular crystal made them feel like I was so curious: one would open them up to relaxation, another would make them feel energized, another would create a different feeling or emotion, and so on. I felt at first that they were insane. How could a rock make anybody feel anything? I seriously question what I was doing hanging out with people that openly shared that kind of stuff. After being around these folks and witnessed their expertise in many other areas of spiritual practices I could not deny that they were experiencing something for sure. It was undeniable in many instances, even though I could not comprehend it.

Then after some time, I felt that I was broken in some way since I was from a country that has such an abundance of them, and I could not at all embody the vessel that could perceive energies that so many commented upon. I started to hold crystals in different ways. I started to meditate with them after my yoga practices, and nothing happened.

As I started to let go of self-judgment and self-doubt and started to pay more attention to my personal practices I started to get very connected to crystals. Not in the way others were sharing, but in my own way they started to sparkle a little bit more. They started to make me feel safer, comforted, alert and most importantly grounded. Wow, I was gradually becoming one of them.

I started to feel interested in wearing them, in having sacred objects made from crystals in different areas of my space. They gently started to fill my heart with happy sensations and emotions. I started to wear something and feel that a different necklace should be on me. I also started to feel the need to not match the earrings to necklaces, and bracelets. I began to honor what my inner knowing was guiding me to wear, and not what I was supposed to have on to match outfits or even the occasion for particular pieces of jewelry.

It didn't take long at all when minerals started to become an integral part of my life, the sacred and the secular. And this brings me to the fact that I, you, we are made of mostly liquid, which is composed of crystals. Even our bones are resonators like crystals are.

We all can sparkle and allow information via the nervous and glandular systems to inform every cell in our bodies of radiance! Yes, we are made to sparkle. As we are embracing a new world coming to a place of stillness to listen deep from within what we are here to embody is now key! We are now ready to upgrade our lives. There is no more normal. We are now co-creating a new paradigm. You are now ready to unearth your gifts or to reconfigure the ones you already have in place into a completely new way to serve yourself and humanity.

Are you making the time to create an atmosphere in which you can tune in to receive the radiant messages from your higher-self to share with the community at large your gifts?

  • Create a time, preferably first thing in the morning, to breathe

  • Space should be clutter-free

  • Dress comfortably addressing the room's temperature needs

  • Simply focus on the intake, and outtake of your breath

  • This can take 3 to just 11 minutes of your time

  • If any thoughts emerge allow them to move away from you like clouds drifting away

  • I invite you to stay present and not allow perfection to enter your bubble. This is a practice, not perfection

In these very challenging times, there is so much around us all that will challenge us to the core. The news alone may drive us to a depression spin, never mind what difficulties that are close to our vest. Evolution is created from need, not from the luxury of having everything in place to then activate "the new." The New is within you, yes... you have everything encoded within yourself. Crystals are here to serve you to inspire you to shine as brightly and you possibly can.