Be a Hero, Free Reiki/Advanced Energy Work Retreat

Have you ever felt like your world was completely going inside out? Where all the things you thought were your business and your responsibility to fix suddenly spiral 100% out of your control? Have you been investing all of your time, and energy outside of yourself, because it felt too scary to look within? Or maybe it was the kind of behavior you would not even consider?

This year was the 22nd anniversary of my whole life crashing… My first born survived suicide, and other near death events multiple times. Through that ordeal it felt like everything that I believed was crumbling in front of my very eyes, and inside every cell in my body. My whole life was devoted to my family. Every part of my days, and nights had one point of focus. My life was dedicated to creating a home, and life that was a loving, stimulating, creative, and educational environment for my family. I was very intentional from morning to night. From organic home cooked baby food since 1987, and extra curricular activities every day for any of their interests. Exploring the local forests of the Appalachian trail in outdoor excursions, educational museum outings, live music concerts from our local liberal arts college, all to support every need my kids had, to the best of my ability. Moving forward to 2001, I fell into the bottom of my barrel. Every single thing that I felt I knew about myself, about my goals, about my family life, about my existence was crumbling beneath me. Painfully, and to my astonishment my persona’s death lead to a transformational awakening that gave me the power to be more for myself and my children.

I started to embrace my spiritual gifts, because they were the only thing that was working in my life. My talented and beautiful daughter had completely lost herself. She forgot who she was. She was in a revolving door of emotional and physical self-mutilation. Also harming my son emotionally who witnessed the terror unfolding in our home. Her essence was taken away from herself, and from all of us. Desperation and tremendous sorrow scooped my baby girl to some far away land, with no sight of her spirited and fiery self. I had no spiritual teachers at the time, books, cassettes, or social media to consult with. There was nothing but me and god. I had nothing but a desperate hunger to help my first born, and my family to move through the horror we were all experiencing. When mental illness and addiction collide it is an ever consuming conundrum, to say the least!! I knew that I was the key to open a door. I had no idea what was on the other side of that door. But I surrendered to my higher power… effortlessly.

I bumped into the tremendous prejudice about addiction and mental illness, in our family, in our circles, society and most importantly within myself. I didn’t know anything about addiction or addicts behaviors. As my 15 year old daughter was in an excellent healing haven, nicknamed “the magic mountain”, by the clients and professionals working at the Caron Foundation. I began the humble journey to transform myself into a human sponge, and I started to learn, learn, and learn some more. It was a multilevel awakening, filled and weaved with many layers of surrender, complex trauma, aha moments, obedience, and a myriad of awakenings. Not only I was learning about addiction, I was for the first time connecting with shadow work by myself. Miraculous moments happened of divine guidance that was undeniable. I will never forget my ancestors waking me up because Jessica was trying actively to kill herself, and they wanted me to stop her. Many years later I learned the word, and what it was that I was embodying, I was/am clairsentient. That was just one of the “clairs” that I learned to work with and perfect. Little by little I began to trust my awakening process, my ancestors and guides. A sense of ‘knowing’ came over me. I had no idea how it could have gotten there. I was astounded and delighted, because those words, the knowing that I was incredulous about how it was finally working, and I could reach my daughter. There was no time for doubts, or energy to withhold what was effortlessly pouring from me.

More than two decades later I have been doing my very best to create a form of haven for multidimensional healing for folks that could not get whatever they needed out there. From the beginning the studio became a healing temple for me. I was the first to partake in its loving energies. And now, it is our healing and transformational temple. It started in my home, and for many years it has expanded into The Hive. It is my life’s work to hold space for all the seekers buzzing into the Hive’s door.

Uniting with, Hero In The Fight is a long time coming, to share the abundance of ways in which one can call home the inner sanctum within our hearts. Yes, there can be the ultimate peace and unconditional love waiting for each and every one of us, in search of everything we need. The Hive has been that space for the ones choosing to come in, and have the humility, and curiosity to say Yes for more. More understanding, more shadow work with radical compassion, more love, more security, more forgiveness, more healthy boundaries, and to allow our gifts to flow with ease and grace.

With true willingness to address kindly shadow work any person may open up all the doors they wish to, to create their own heaven here on earth. It is simple, and yet it is not easy to recognize, and take ownership of our shadows. That was a muscle that I consciously pumped every day to help my daughter to want to survive. And in the process of helping her I recognized all the deep work I had to do myself. She has been my biggest teacher. I had to face, and continue to this day facing, my shadow, much more gracefully now. Transcendence leads to spontaneous healing, and evolving into our highest potential. I have become a humble, and obedient guide for the ones in search to own their power. You are not alone doing the deep digging. We are all in this together. The journey is all about falling in love fully with ourselves, shadow and light, and the poetic beauty that the process allows us to emerge from. It is The Love Affair of our lifetimes!

There is so much beauty and vibrancy on the other side of deep shadow work dives. There is a whole life of embrace, so many amazing things to experience, and new people to be magnetized in a higher vibration of grace to be part of the ones willing to do the work, along side you. We are on a mission to Self-Compassionate-Empowerment. Our soul’s desire, here at the Hive, is to provide a smoother ride in your pilgrimage to Inner-Freedom. Are you in? Can you allow yourself into your own inner-sanctum? It is The Road worth taking, and receiving from.

Are You Ready for Your transformation? See you there!🙏🏽

Shamanic Reiki Level 1 Training & Magic

Just waking up this morning to the reality of what a splendid full, intense, and awakening, Shamanic Reiki level 1 Training showed up as. Fourteen eager souls in the training, the largest number of folks that I have ever had on a level 1 Reiki training!! There were many men as well as women hungry to pursue a better life all around, balance their inner-feminine and inner-masculine, and new ways to increase their quotient of emotional intelligence.

Every single training brings a divine theme to the whole of the group dynamic and what is to be healed, discovered and implemented in a highest ways. This time was overwhelmingly potent in relationship to healing father issues that pains the heart of men and women, as well as mother issues. Sexual trauma was another ginormous theme. We are talking deep, deep stuff that messes with our every choice in life. Ancestral healing is very common in my line of work, and took a driving seat this weekend💓.

So you may ask: “What kind of Reiki training is this?” Well, I may answer:👉🏽 As a shamanic/esoteric facilitator the reiki aspect is the vehicle. Annnnnd if we don’t heal and let go of all of the things that makes us not receive healing, growth and a healthy self-esteem no training in the world would work! No way Rose!!! Folks don’t feel deserving of doing the work, the resistance is too loud in our heads. We are sinners and not deserving to empower ourselves and embrace our voice. Which voice?! The voice that is waiting from within to let you know how remarkable and amazing spiritual warrior you are. The voice that is relentlessly waiting for you to own it, to except it, infant to celebrate it!🌀

One of the most special things in this training was that there were three children, one young adult and the other two adults. One was my beeloved son Andrew. One was the daughter of a level 2 Beehive Mystery School initiate, the other was the son of a colleague space holder Ron Morrett. Wow! how to unpack this…. Such a deeply moving experience! My son has been for the past nineteen years living in a mystery school like atmosphere at home. No way around that. Andrew is such a natural healer and empath from a toddler age. No joke. It was a humbling experience for me to have him trust me as his spiritual teacher, and to bear witness to him showing up in this capacity to himself. What a joy…💝 The young woman is another person that I absolutely adore. She is such a potent way-shower. Vanessa is an implacable mother and a power house. The young man is such a light! At the age of 19 his old soul is showing the way…. No doubt about it! It was very inspiring to have all of them there🎯

There were three couples in the room😳, I have never had one couple, never mind 3! Which brought up the potency of working with the divine masculine and the divine feminine in many levels. The energies here were potently about support for one another, holding healing and spiritual evolution for the other partner, soooooooo beautiful!🎊 One of them was so taken by his wife’s growth working here in the Hive on a personal level, and for how her professional life is taking off, that he felt the calling from within to create a succinct and deeply spiritual life style at home, as well as embracing ancestral and other forms of healing for himself. It is the ultimate and I dare say sexy for women to witness men fully authentically embracing their shadow, healing it, and shifting their reality🙌🏽.

I had 4 PHENOMENAL assistants: Shamanic Reiki Masters (since March 2022) and Mystery School initiates. Their light so blinding in many forms and dimensions. Suzie is so powerful and solid. She just exults her yearning for serving beautifully! Addie was impeccable as a wayshower and manager. Her own dear hubby was attending. She held herself with such grace and gratitude to be bearing witness for his own empowerment journey. It was magical for us all to witness! Ruthie brings in the fullness of her heart and gets down and dirty with all of the teachings and embodiment. She is not wasting any time. She is doing it! Shawn simply listen to his intuitive heart and came over in absolutely PERFECT timing both days to facilitate the Sacred Divine Masculine in action. Yes…. His inner feminine informed him of when to active his fullness and then the masculine aspect of him did the deep healing for two women in the group. It was crazy amazing for us all to feel it. He embodies this balance masterfully. We were all receiving the healing as well. What a weekend!🚀

The demonstration of surrender to a greater new reality was outstanding!!💥 My heart is beyond full as I woke up this morning processing the beauty of all of the tears that were shed from sexual trauma by many, as well as emotional a physical trauma. The sisterhood and brotherhood that can be birthed from these intense trainings and sacred explorations are in a whole other order. We are ready! We are doing it! It is happening! The respect that each one showed for one another in the circle was astronomical!!💫

There two teenagers in the training. Oh My Goddess! Their exquisite Old Souls…❤️‍🔥 One of them an exquisite young woman shared in the final circle how she was amazed with everybody's rawness and tenacity in a way that they embraced their wholeness with all of the shamanic practices that we anchored to let go of the martyr and victim parts of the self. She shared gratitude for all that we are all doing for the collective healing. She is exquisite!✨

One person actually changed the tonality and quality of his voice! We all noticed that on Sunday morning. This person was speaking from a space of inner-confidence and inner-trust. It was palpable!

Boundaries played a huge role as well. One young woman actually build a fence in her own property the day before the training. That in itself lead to deep wisdom for us empaths🏹. We can’t fly if we don’t ignite safety from within. Very important!

This is just some of the many things that rolled over the weekend. We all came together in the deepest form of integrity with the self and from a space of authenticity. I deeply acknowledged the courage and the tenacity to be embraced, as each one showed up with such clarity in the circle. That level of courage gets amped-up more and more as the shares went on. It is absolutely sublime to be in the midst of such courageous men and women.

I LOVED taking the time with each exquisite spiritual seeker to share my unconditional-love and witnessing of their process in our graduation ceremony. Folks work deep and hard with themselves with all that I offer. My witnessing and sharing my feedback of their deep workings is important… I feel.

If you are interested in going down and dirty, and face to face with your shadow then you will fit in with the programs, workshops, classes, trainings, Beehive Mystery School (In person ONLY! Soon coming up 2023) & the Beehive Membership (Which is an online form of the mystery school) which open its doors this week FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, in August 2022. For more information please reach out at We live to serve here at the Hive! And we LOVE to bee of service!🐝✨🙏🏽

Community Sustains Spiritual Growth

Some naysayers have said to me through the years: “Why are you doing another training?” or “Why are you coming up with another offering?”

 The truth is since the beginning of my spiritual awakening in 2002 I recognized that obedience, and implementation of the assignments that I was given was imperative every step of the way.

 A HUGE theme was to create community from the very beginning. Reiki shares at my home, facilitating 10 years of energy shares at the Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley in Boiling Springs, attending energy shares in Gettysburg, creating a wellness fair in UUCV, and monthly Red Tent for women in my home for a few years, at a local café, and one at the Women’s Center at Dickinson College even.

 One of the symbols of Bee Medicine is of buzzing together.

 So, you see, my yearning to create an online platform to create a safe community, to share weekly lives to allow personal growth for the members and myself, to connect with depth, authenticity, being sometimes long distance and yet feel right at home with one another is here. Great Spirit keeps poking at me to learn more technology, to unearth more of my god giving gifts, to share them in this moment of deep and wild shifts in our beloved planet, and honestly it is to rise on a personal level and to help others to do the same.

 One of the most blissful things in my life was discovering sisterhood. Being a single child was comfortable. And it was all that I knew. In my late thirties however that inward flow became a fountain of non-ending love affair with deeply engaging, giving nourishment and receiving nourishment, from extraordinary women in the US and Canada that I am honored to call my spiritual sisters.

I was always very intuitive as a child. I never wanted anything to do with my spiritual gifts however. Surrendering to this first ever trip abroad without my family, with women only, and for spiritual purposes cracked me wide open. It was a brand-new world within to feel and explore. The Maltese islands are unforgettable!

 Getting to be in ancient sacred sites with one purpose only… to surrender to the most divine aspects of myself and being in communion with the land, as well as weaving all the energies from all the past lives. Feeling from our depths, all the “remembering” taking place with each and every one of us. The instant bonding that were being birthed were astounding to me. The love eternal that bubbled up from our souls, pouring to and from each other was overwhelmingly radiant.

 In Malta and with my new sisters I got to unleash for the first time EVER my inner-little girl. Wow… I didn’t even know she existed inside of me, waiting patiently for me to show up for us. To free her from self-hatred, self-doubt, self-judgement, sabotage, and much more. Every moment of every day in Malta was, and still is, cherished by me.

 Our last circle in the hotel, which was our last ceremony and celebration are imprinted in my mind as well as in my heart. An outdoor fabulous feast and tear-filled shares. There were over 20 of us, of all ages and cultural embodiments. And yet at the airport as we were finally splitting to our diverse locations in the US more and more tears flooded us with such gratitude.

 This first trip to Malta put a delectable taste in my mouth. A hunger in my belly for creating sacred community, ceremony, togetherness, and share the most compassionate exchanges EVER. After that I wanted a mystery school. My inner-child had now a voice and she was setting an intention loud and clear to the universe to create that level of experience. I wanted to have deep connections with human beings that may only happen when the heart is moved to such level of unconditional-love that sucks you into a state of the highest awareness.

 And so I did manifest two different official mystery schools in my life. Mind you I never envisioned having the hutzpah to create and facilitate one myself. Years of resistance showed futile. I am now very obedient with the guidance that I receive. In my case however the experience is for both women and men. From the beginning of facilitating this sacred work the men folk have been showing up for me to hold their hands through the fires of life. And I would not change that ever. It is an honor to be of service to all that call upon me.

 The depth of connections that I see with my initiates, clients and students is purposeful and a HUGE part of my intentions to shift the collective one heart at a time.

 I sobbed on closing circles in my first mystery school in California. That longing to create a spiritual web was the foundation for everything I have ever done here in Pennsylvania since 2003. I am still close with sisters from that awakening time.

 No matter how many years past sisterhood and brotherhood never ends. It keeps maturing and aging with wisdom and grace. Even when I don’t see my siblings. I feel them, and I am eternally grateful for the wonders ahead. Community Sustains Spiritual Growth

 Some naysayers have said to me through the years: “Why are you doing another training?” or “Why are you coming up with another offering?”

 The truth is since the beginning of my spiritual awakening in 2002 I recognized that obedience, and implementation of the assignments that I was given was imperative every step of the way.

 A HUGE theme was to create community from the very beginning. Reiki shares at my home, facilitating 10 years of energy shares at the Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley in Boiling Springs, attending energy shares in Gettysburg, creating a wellness fair in UUCV, and monthly Red Tent for women in my home for a few years, at a local café, and one at the Women’s Center at Dickinson College even.

 One of the symbols of Bee Medicine is of buzzing together.

 So, you see, my yearning to create an online platform to create a safe community, to share weekly lives to allow personal growth for the members and myself, to connect with depth, authenticity, being sometimes long distance and yet feel right at home with one another is here. Great Spirit keeps poking at me to learn more technology, to unearth more of my god giving gifts, to share them in this moment of deep and wild shifts in our beloved planet, and honestly it is to rise on a personal level and to help others to do the same.

 One of the most blissful things in my life was discovering sisterhood. Being a single child was comfortable. And it was all that I knew. In my late thirties however that inward flow became a fountain of non-ending love affair with deeply engaging, giving nourishment and receiving nourishment, from extraordinary women in the US and Canada that I am honored to call my spiritual sisters.

I was always very intuitive as a child. I never wanted anything to do with my spiritual gifts however. Surrendering to this first ever trip abroad without my family, with women only, and for spiritual purposes cracked me wide open. It was a brand-new world within to feel and explore. The Maltese islands are unforgettable!

 Getting to be in ancient sacred sites with one purpose only… to surrender to the most divine aspects of myself and being in communion with the land, as well as weaving all the energies from all the past lives. Feeling from our depths, all the “remembering” taking place with each and every one of us. The instant bonding that were being birthed were astounding to me. The love eternal that bubbled up from our souls, pouring to and from each other was overwhelmingly radiant.

 In Malta and with my new sisters I got to unleash for the first time EVER my inner-little girl. Wow… I didn’t even know she existed inside of me, waiting patiently for me to show up for us. To free her from self-hatred, self-doubt, self-judgement, sabotage, and much more. Every moment of every day in Malta was, and still is, cherished by me.

 Our last circle in the hotel, which was our last ceremony and celebration are imprinted in my mind as well as in my heart. An outdoor fabulous feast and tear-filled shares. There were over 20 of us, of all ages and cultural embodiment. And yet at the airport as we were finally splitting to our diverse locations in the US more and more tears flooded us with such gratitude.

 This first trip to Malta put a delectable taste in my mouth. A hunger in my belly for creating sacred community, ceremony, togetherness, and share the most compassionate exchanges EVER. After that I wanted a mystery school. My inner-child had now a voice and she was setting an intention loud and clear to the universe to create that level of experience. I wanted to have deep connections with human beings that may only happen when the heart is moved to such level of unconditional-love that sucks you into a state of the highest awareness.

 And so I did manifest two different official mystery schools in my life. Mind you I never envisioned having the hutzpah to create and facilitate one myself. Years of resistance showed futile. I am now very obedient with the guidance that I receive. In my case however the experience is for both women and men. From the beginning of facilitating this sacred work the men folk have been showing up for me to hold their hands through the fires of life. And I would not change that ever. It is an honor to be of service to all that call upon me.

 The depth of connections that I see with my initiates, clients and students is purposeful and a HUGE part of my intentions to shift the collective one heart at a time.

 I sobbed on closing circles in my first mystery school in California. That longing to create a spiritual web was the foundation for everything I have ever done here in Pennsylvania since 2003. I am still close with sisters from that awakening time.

 No matter how many years past sisterhood and brotherhood never ends. It keeps maturing and aging with wisdom and grace. Even when I don’t see my siblings. I feel them, and I am eternally grateful. I honestly believe that it’s because of the continuous community nurturing I was able to grow emotional muscles to withstand these crazy times.

 I LOVE to see women and men respectfully, compassionately, and unconditionally falling in love with themselves, and witnessing the same all around them. And from that space of purity embracing sisterly and brotherly love. It is a sight!!